KfW Entwicklungsbank is supporting Government of Uganda in the implementation of the GET FiT Premium Payment Mechanism.
KfW Banking Group is one of the world's leading promotional banks with more than 4,000 employees and 80 offices worldwide. With its decades of experience, it is committed to improving economic, social and ecological living conditions at home and abroad on behalf of the Federal Government and the Länder. KfW Entwicklungsbank, as part of KfW Banking Group, finances development projects in its partner countries. In 2016, KfW Entwicklungsbank committed EUR 7.3 billion worldwide to 328 new projects and programmes.
The Division for Energy and Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa of KfW Entwicklungsbank has worked for more than three decades on promoting energy access and improving the enery supply in its partner countreis to help transform their energy systems. During the past five years, we have successfully arranged or participated in financing of more than 68 infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a volume of close to EUR 1.6 billion.
Our Products
We provide tailor-made solutions for our partners, going beyond finance to include technical assistance as well as capacity-building measures. We offer three groups of products and services:
Concessional finance
On behalf of the German Government, KfW Entwicklungsbank is promoting infrastructure development in Sub-Sahara Africa through our concessional finance window. That includes grant financing (e.g. for rural electrification projects) as well as loans at highly concessionary conditions.
Promotional loans
We offer promotional loans at conditions similar to those prevailing in the international capital markets. The purpose is to close the gap in the supply of loans between the concessionary loans and financing through commercial banks.
Technical assistance and capacity-building
We assist our partners in turning infrastructure projects into success stories through provision of targeted technical assistance and capacity-building.
Our Strengths
KfW Entwicklungsbank has been a trusted partner of public and private clients in African infrastructure for several decades. We combine a number of key strengths with our commitment to promoting infrastructure development:
- We merge long-standing development expertise with the toolbox of a bank.
- We offer a unique range of financial products that can be tailored to almost any infrastructure project in the region.
- We put a premium on poverty-orientation and long-term sustainability of projects we finance.
- We have a strong presence in our client countries.
Division Energy and Environment, Sub-Saharan Africa
Kathrin Kästle
KfW Entwicklungsbank
Palmengartenstr. 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
E-Mail: kathrin.kaestle@kfw.de
For more information on the service portfolio of the KfW Energy SSA team, please download the program flyer here