GET FiT Premium Payment Mechanism is governed by operational guidelines. Its main governing body is the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee comprises of one representative from each development partner contributing to the GET FiT Premium Payment Mechanism and one representative from Government of Uganda. KfW, the World Bank and the GET FiT Secretariat have non-voting representation on the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee has the responsibility for determining the basic principles of the FiT Premium Payment Mechanism which includes the final approval of the operational guidelines and the nomination of members of the GET FiT Investment Committee.
Members of the GET FiT Investment Committee will appraise applications for eligible small-scale renewable energy generation projects (1MW to 20MW) submitted to the GET FiT Premium Payment Mechanism in response to consecutive Request for Proposals. The Investment Committee comprises of 6 independent experts with backgrounds in renewable energy and project finance in Sub-Sahara Africa: